Complete Guide to Self-Service Kiosks for Banks

Category: BlogWritten by Kitty Tan
self-service kiosk for banks

Waiting in line at the bank is very boring, isn’t it? We understand. That’s why we have introduced new self-service kiosks for banks – this new technology helps make banking quicker and easier by reducing those long waiting lines.

Ready for a change in your banking routine?

How Self-Service in Banking Has Changed

Self-service at banks has changed a lot over time. ATMs and kiosks used to be the main self-service options. But now, Personal Teller Machines (PTMs) are an important part of banking. PTMs allow customers to get more personal and interactive service.

From ATMs and Kiosks

ATMs were the first machines that let people get cash and do basic banking without a bank teller. Then kiosks came along, letting people pay bills and update accounts by themselves, no teller needed.

ATMs and kiosks made banking easy for customers at any time of day or night. They started the trend of self-service banking.

After ATMs and kiosks showed how convenient self-service could be, banks created new technologies like digital kiosks and interactive screens. These make banking even easier for customers.

New Personal Teller Machines (PTM)

self service kiosk for banks

Banks have introduced Personal Teller Machines (PTMs). PTMs combine the convenience of ATMs with personalized service from human tellers.

With PTMs, customers can conduct typical bank transactions like deposits, withdrawals, check cashing, and account transfers. But they get face-to-face interaction through video screens, just like at a teller window.

PTMs provide the best of both worlds—digital convenience and human assistance. Customers appreciate getting personalized service without having to go into the bank branch.

PTMs allow banks to offer extended service hours with no waiting lines while still providing that personal touch customers value.

Benefits of Self-Service Kiosks in Banking

Self-service banking kiosks allow customers to do basic transactions themselves. They increase efficiency, reduce bank costs, and provide convenient 24/7 access for customers.

Improved operational efficiency

Self-service kiosks automate routine transactions, such as cash deposits, withdrawals, and account inquiries, freeing up bank staff to focus on more complex tasks and personalized services.

Customers can complete basic transactions independently, reducing wait times and improving overall efficiency. Kiosks can handle high volumes of transactions simultaneously, enhancing the bank’s overall processing capacity.

Kiosks don’t call in sick; they work tirelessly around the clock. This reliability ensures that customers always have access to essential banking services whenever they need them.

Cost savings

cost savings

Self-service kiosks require lower operational costs compared to traditional teller-based services. Banks can reduce staffing requirements and associated expenses, such as salaries and training costs. Automating routine transactions minimizes the risk of human errors, which can lead to cost savings.

They also allow banks to reduce costs by minimizing the need for physical branches while still providing convenient banking services to customers at a lower cost through automation and technology.

Both the bank and customers benefit from the time and money savings offered by these self-service kiosks.

Enhanced customer experience

Kiosks provide customers with a convenient and accessible way to conduct banking transactions 24/7. With interactive displays and user-friendly interfaces, customers can easily navigate through options such as bill payments, check deposits, and account management.

Self-service kiosks also give customers more freedom to manage their own banking. With the kiosks, customers can get account details and make transactions by themselves whenever they want. This helps customers who prefer to bank on their own schedule.

Extended service hours

Self-service kiosks enable banks to offer extended service hours beyond traditional branch operating times.

Customers can access basic banking services even when physical branches are closed, enhancing convenience and accessibility.

This flexibility can attract and retain customers with irregular schedules or who prefer to conduct transactions outside of regular business hours.

Types of Self-Service Kiosks in Banking

Banks have different types of self-service kiosks, each with a special purpose. Continue reading to learn more about the various kiosk solutions and their advantages.

Banking Kiosk Solutions

Banking kiosks are machines that let people do banking tasks by themselves. Customers can deposit cash and checks, pay bills, and manage their accounts using a touchscreen. The kiosks make it easy for customers to bank without help from staff.

These kiosks track how customers use them. This data helps banks decide where to put staff and how to improve service.

Virtual Teller Agents

These machines use advanced technology like artificial intelligence to understand what the customer needs and provide helpful support. They make the customer experience better and more personal.

Interactive Kiosk Displays

Interactive bank kiosks have touchscreens that make banking easy. They show information about special offers and financial products, with visuals and clear menus to keep customers interested and informed.

Digital Signage Kiosks

self service kiosk in banks

Digital signage kiosks have bright screens that show up-to-date information and deals, helping banks effectively highlight their products and services. With touchscreens and QR code scanning, these kiosks offer an engaging experience. Placing them in busy bank areas means more people see the messages.

Banks can quickly update the content remotely, making it easy to change promotions or announcements.

Automated Teller Machines (ATMs)

These machines are found everywhere and provide basic banking services, such as taking out cash, checking account balances, getting mini statements, transferring funds, and recharging mobile phones.

ATMs are available 24/7, which means customers can use them whenever they need to without waiting for the bank to open. This makes banking easier and reduces the number of people who need to go into the bank for simple tasks.

Interactive Teller Machines (ITMs)

ITMs are like advanced ATMs that also let customers talk to a real bank teller through a video screen. Customers can do more complicated transactions, such as cashing checks, depositing money, and asking detailed questions about their accounts.

ITMs give the convenience of using a machine while also providing the option to get help from a live person, making them very useful for complex banking needs.

Cash Deposit Machines (CDMs)

CDMs are designed to make depositing cash simple and fast. Customers can put money directly into these machines, which will count the cash, update their passbooks, and print a receipt.

CDMs are great because they let customers deposit money at any time, even when the bank is closed, and without needing help from a teller.

Check Deposit Kiosks

These self-service kiosks allow customers to deposit checks easily. They scan the checks and provide a digital receipt, making the process quicker than going to a teller. They are available 24/7, so customers can deposit checks at their convenience without waiting in line at the bank.

Account Management Kiosks

These self-service kiosks help customers handle various account-related tasks without needing to see a bank employee. Customers can open new accounts, update their personal information, request new checkbooks, and print account statements.

Loan Application Kiosks

They make it easier for customers to apply for loans. Whether they need a personal, auto, or home loan, customers can use these kiosks to fill out applications, submit necessary documents, and check the status of their applications.

This speeds up the loan process and makes it more convenient, as customers can do it all in one place.

Bill Payment Kiosks

These kiosks offer a simple way to pay various bills, such as utility bills, credit card payments, loan EMIs, and mobile recharges. By providing a single place to handle many types of payments, bill payment kiosks save customers time and reduce the need to visit different service providers.

Currency Exchange Kiosks

These machines make exchanging foreign money quick and easy. These kiosks show current exchange rates, handle the exchange process, and print transaction receipts. They are especially useful in airports and city centers, where people often need to exchange money quickly.

Queue Management Kiosks

self service kiosks for banks

Queue management kiosks help organize customers waiting in line at the bank. These kiosks give out tickets, manage appointments, and show real-time updates on waiting times. By organizing the flow of customers and reducing wait times, these kiosks make visiting the bank more efficient and pleasant.

Factors to Consider When Installing Self-Service Kiosks in Banking

Installing self-service kiosks in banks means considering the cost, where to put them, how easy they are to use, how safe they are, and how to keep them working well. These things are important for ensuring the kiosks work well in digital banking:


First, you’ll need to buy the kiosks, get the right software, and maybe get some extra gadgets like printers. Installing them also costs money. If the kiosks need to connect with the bank’s existing systems, that’s another expense.

And don’t forget about the ongoing costs of fixing and updating them. It’s important to determine whether the benefits of having these kiosks are worth the money.

Considerations for location and accessibility

They should be where lots of people can see and use them easily. It’s also important to make sure everyone, including people with disabilities, can use them without any problems.

You need to think about how much space they’ll take up and make sure they don’t get in the way of people moving around. And, of course, you want to make sure they’re safe from being tampered with or stolen.

User experience

They should be simple to understand and use quickly. It’s good to have options for different languages so everyone can understand.

Some people might need features like bigger text or audio instructions, so it’s good to include those features, too. Letting people personalize their experience, like saving their preferences, can make it even better.


Keeping people’s information safe is super important. So, the data sent through these kiosks needs to be protected. You’ll also want to make sure no one can mess with them physically, so locks or cameras might be needed.

It’s smart to have systems in place that can spot anything fishy, like someone trying to do something shady. And checking regularly for any weak spots is a must.

Support and maintenance

If someone has a problem, they should be able to get help easily. Using remote systems to check on them can help fix issues before they become big problems.

Regular check-ups and updates can also help keep them running smoothly. And don’t forget to keep the software up to date to keep things safe and working well.


In conclusion, self-service kiosks have changed banking a lot. They make things easier for customers, saving time and money. From ATMs to newer machines like Personal Teller Machines (PTMs), they’ve reduced waiting and made banking more accessible.

With careful setup and maintenance, they offer a smooth banking experience, shaping a future where banking is simpler and more satisfying for everyone.

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